SunPort creates First Solar Music Video

I’d like to share a success story with you — the evolution of a concept.

And… the World’s first Solar Powered Music Video… created because of an Albuquerque Inventor.
We are Very Proud of one of our local Inventors…
that presented at an Albuquerque House of Genius Session in 2013.
The original Sunport idea was VERY raw that evening but House of Genius helped Paul Droege refine his direction, message and pitch that would be necessary to win over the public…

Because of additional mentoring at ABQid, an Albuquerque-based startup accelerator, which invited the SunPort team to join the first cohort of fledgling businesses, gave them financial backing and free coaching from the business community — the raw idea, got refined and initial funding.

If you have business experience, I encourage you to volunteer your time at something like ABQid, too…
Here in Albuquerque, it’s a natural complimentary step for someone after HofG.

SunPort was then challenged by the ABQid team to refine their business model and customer development. (Actually a requirement of the funding)

At CES in January of 2015, Paul found out about the StarterKit pitch competition coming up in March at SXSW.

The SunPort team won that competition, resulting in Fallon’s collaboration on this Kickstarter campaign.
They are an International Advertising agency
And now, they have a KickStarter Campaign that is going well…

But it all started with an idea…

And the Albuquerque House of Genius Presentation and the 18 Participants.

Please visit the Kickstarter Project at:
Please spread the word!